An award-winning business idea incorporated into a gamified solution, Echo’s Journey.
Narrative design, UX design, logo design/animation
My role in the Project:
Concept design, level design, focus group
Level building & prototyping (Unity), videography, web design
Raising awareness about ocean pollution through a mobile game that can inform and entertain younger generations.
At Innoviral, we think that the problem of pollution should be taught not only to our present society, which has already been harmed in some manner, but also to future generations, who will be more directly impacted by the consequences of today's negligence of the problem.
A framework with a high potential in the market, capable of generating story-driven products to raise awareness about pollution.
The Game
The adventure of a robot submarine and a baby turtle to eliminate the evil pollution monster created by humans that is threatening to take over the entire planet.
The Framework
A very flexible framework that enables businesses to develop new games that can tackle variety of environmental issues while removing costs and times of production.
Kids aged 2-17 who play on mobile in the U.S in 2015.
Estimated kid’s mobile gaming industry revenue in 2017.
of kids gaming on PC in 2015 (since 2013).
Tackling a significant problem that will have detrimental consequences for the future of our world.
It is evident that ocean pollution is one of the major threats to our planet, harming the entire marine food chain all the way up to humans. We believe that ocean pollution is a majorly overlooked problem that will eventually come back to haunt us if not solved. Recently, the problem has been gaining more and more attention in the media and the world news.
Featured on a platform to convey the significance of Innoviral's mission.
External interest in the company led to outer companies interviewing Innoviral to understand more about how the change is induced through the act of playing.
‘‘Our choice to tackle the problem by using a gamified solution to influence children relies on the fact that actions more easily influence children.’’ - Innoviral
Compelling storyline combined with a cohesive level design, including various challenges and objectives for the players.
Echo’s Journey includes highly interactive objectives, such as involving in boss fights, battling with sea enemies, saving animals, and narrative mechanics, which are suitable for the target age group. Our narrative informs players about ocean pollution and immerses them into our epic storyline with a hero’s journey figure (see the Framework & Concept).
A combination of self-made 3D models and various bestiary and miscellaneous elements were used while developing the game within the Unity engine. Gatherings with the team and the target audience had a significant role during the level design phase. The players' wishes were carefully analyzed and incorporated into the levels and the overall storyline.